“Law 14/2006, of May 26, on assisted human reproduction techniques establishes that the donation must be anonymous, voluntary, informed and unpaid”
What is egg donation?
Many women cannot become pregnant with their own eggs, so it may be necessary to use eggs from an anonymous donor. The most common situations are:
- Women of advanced maternal age,
- Women with ovarian failure problem,
- Women who have suffered repeated miscarriages,
- Women with genetic diseases,
- Women who have undergone chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy treatments.
In these cases, egg donation is the only option for women and couples who wish to have children. That is why it is so important that caring women like you and who want to help those who cannot, participate in our egg donation program.
What are the requirements to be an egg donor?
To be an egg donor, according to the Spanish legislation on donations, you must meet some requirements:
- Be between 18 and 35 years old.
- Be in good health.
- Not have any genetic or sexually transmitted disease.
- Have full capacity to act and sign a consent agreement on the donation.
- Show commitment and responsibility.
In Spain, egg donation is an altruistic and anonymous act. The identity of the donor is protected.

How is the egg donation process ?
First of all, you must contact VITA via the form on this website, email (info@vitafertilidad.com) or by calling 966 87 87 82. We will contact you and book an appointment for a first informative interview in which we will dispel all your doubts.
If you meet the requirements and decide to start the process, you will have a second appointment where we will ask you questions about your medical history and psychological aspects. We will carry out a complete medical check-up and some medical tests to confirm that you can be a candidate to donate eggs:
- Evaluation of diseases, family history and personal habits
- Phenotypic characteristics.
- Psychological test.
- Gynecological examination
- Ultrasound scan and blood tests.
- Chromosomal and genetic studies to rule out the possible presence of hereditary diseases.
If all the tests are satisfactory, you will be included in our donor database until there is a possible recipient compatible with your phenotype (physical characteristics).
Once your eggs are assigned to a recipient patient, your VITA Patient Assistant will book an appointment for you to come to the clinic and plan the hormonal treatment for ovarian stimulation. During this entire process, which lasts about 10-12 days, you will receive personalized monitoring and have ultrasound scan controls to see your evolution.
Once the hormonal treatment is finished, your VITA Patient Assistant will book an appointment to perform the extraction of the ovules by follicular puncture. It consists of a surgical intervention of less than 20 minutes, performed under sedation.
In order for you to be calmer, the days following the donation we will be in touch to find out how you are doing and check on you.
Reasons to be an egg donor
Infertility problems are becoming more frequent. You have surely met women who have resorted to treatments such as in vitro fertilization with egg donation to fulfill their dream of becoming parents.
And the fact is that in Spain alone, more than 600,000 couples have difficulties getting pregnant naturally, and in many cases the only solution is to resort to egg donation, where only thanks to the help of supportive women like you can they be able to start a family .
Egg donation is an anonymous and voluntary act of solidarity. Why not? It is the greatest and most generous act you can offer. You will also have a gynecological examination, a blood test, a karyotype analysis and a genetic test done, which will help you in the future if you decide to become a mother.
Frequently asked questions
The law requires that egg donations be completely anonymous, thus keeping the identity of the donor a secret. The only information that we are authorized to provide to the patient recipient of your eggs and only if she wants us to, are certain general details of the donor; such as age, blood group and physical details.
You will not receive information about the fertilization of the eggs, the existence or not of a pregnancy or the subsequent birth of children. The information throughout the process is completely confidential.
The Law indicates that the maximum authorized number of children born in Spain that would have been generated with oocytes from the same donor must not exceed six. For the purposes of effectively respecting this limit, donors must declare in each donation if they have made previous ones, as well as in which conditions, and indicate the time and center in which said donations were made.
No, you won’t. Each woman is born with a fixed number of eggs (an average of 2 million eggs) and only ovulates about 400 times during her reproductive life (until menopause), at the rate of one egg per month. After puberty, in each cycle many ovules will begin a process that entails that only one of them becomes an ovule with the capacity to be fertilized. The rest are discarded by the body itself. When a donor is stimulated to produce eggs, all we do is ensure that at the time of ovulation a greater number of eggs are of quality to be fertilized. But if these eggs were not to be retrieved in the puncture, they would be lost.
The commitment to a cycle of egg donation at VITA clinics has an estimated duration of one month.
You have to take into account that during the oocyte donation process you will have to make several trips to the Fertility Unit for follow-up appointments and evaluation visits. These appointments are necessary to ensure that the medications are adequately stimulating the ovaries and thus avoid any unnecessary risk.