
    December 13th, 2019|News|

    Dr. Enrique Olaya, VITA Reproductive Medicine Manager, speaker on the I Fertility and Assisted Reproduction Workshop.

    The first edition of the Fertility and Assisted Reproduction Workshop was hold in Gijon the 18th and 19th of October. This event that took place in Laboral Ciudad de la Cultura in Gijon, was directed to gynaecologists, urologists, other specialties doctors, residents, nurses and other members from the reproductive medicine area. Some of the most [...]

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      March 28th, 2018|News|

      Endometriosis and fertility lecture

      Last 22 of March took place a pleasant lecture about endometriosis and fertility directed by Dr. Antonio Moya Yeste because of the endometriosis month. The lecture took place on the IMED Levante hospital. Different aspects related with endometriosis were faced on the lecture, from its origin and diagnosis till subsequent treatment and surgery and it [...]

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        February 19th, 2018|News|

        First consultation free in VITA

        If already one year went (6 months in case you are a woman over 35 years) or more since you decided to have a baby and the desired pregnancy doesn’t arrive for the moment, maybe it is time to come to a fertility clinic. Even if you think your case is rare, it is not. [...]

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          January 12th, 2018|News|

          Psicology in Assisted Reproduction

          Nowadays, thousands of couples undergo assisted reproduction techniques.  Treatments that have a high rate ofefficiency, but that involve a large procedure that, because of the emotional and physical involvement thatrequires, can affect deeply the patient’s mood. Women normally suffer more the Assisted Reproduction treatments and, are the ones that need more support. Luckily in VITA, we [...]

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            November 24th, 2017|News|

            Tips to improve your fertility

            Are you thinking about getting pregnant? Are you thinking about taking an Assisted Reproductiontreatment? If yes, it is important to know some tips about your life habits that can influence your fertility. To have a healthy baby is what all parents wish. The previous phase to conception is also important, it is aunique moment in [...]

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