
Anonymous egg donation is the most effective assisted reproduction technique, for it achieves the best pregnancy rates.
This technique uses anonymously donated eggs to be fertilised by sperm in the laboratory. The embryos resulting from the insemination are transferred to the mother’s uterus to promote implantation and establish gestation.

Each patient is unique. At VITA we design an oocyte donation treatment tailored to the patient’s needs.

Ovodonation with the partner’s sperm

ovodonación o fecundación in vitro con donación de óvulos

Ovodonation with the partner’s sperm is a type of in vitro fertilisation indicated for couples where the woman cannot use her own eggs because they are of poor quality, are carriers of hereditary diseases or have ovarian failure due to menopause, early ovarian failure or ovarian surgery, making it necessary to resort to eggs donated by an anonymous woman


Ovodonation with sperm donor

ovodonación o donación de óvulos con semen de donante

Ovodonation with the partner’s sperm is a type of in vitro fertilisation treatment indicated for couples where the woman cannot use her own eggs and the man has a fertility problem related to poor sperm quality, is a carrier of a genetic disease, or for women without a male partner or same-sex couples


IVF with conventional egg donation or ICSI?


In conventional ovodonation, the capacitated sperm are placed in contact with the retrieved eggs in a laboratory dish, waiting for one of them to fertilise the egg in an autonomous and natural way.

But habitually ovodonation with ICSI (Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection), a laboratory technique that consists of introducing a single selected spermatozoon into an egg to facilitate fertilisation, is usually used. This technique has been a great advance in the treatment of male sterility problems. A single spermatozoon is required per egg, selected mainly for its morphological characteristics, although in some cases methods such as MACS (Magnetic-Activated Cell Sorting) can be used, which allows eliminating from the ejaculate those spermatozoa that are destined to die and could not fertilise the egg.

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We started with a lot of fear, because we had all our hopes up and there were a lot of doubts. But little by little, the doctor explained everything to us step by step, and so we started with the treatment and medication, until the day of the transfer finally arrived. And today we are still happily waiting for the arrival of our little boy.
Blanca, Benidorm
On a personal note, I would like to take this moment to thank Dr. Moya. Not only for their exceptional professionalism, but also for a humane treatment that I have rarely, if ever, seen on this long road. We need more people like them.
Belén, Torrevieja